Cerebral Palsy
It is a group of disorders in movement, posture and coordination, that is caused by damage to the developing brain, mainly cerebral cortex responsible for motor…. Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Classification and Treatment
It is a group of disorders in movement, posture and coordination, that is caused by damage to the developing brain, mainly cerebral cortex responsible for motor…. Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Classification and Treatment
What are the indications to have lumbar epidural analgesia
– Pain
– Pre-eclamptic toxaemia
– High risk fetus group
– Breech delivery/ twin delivery
– Trial of prolonged labour
– Patient request…. Epidural Analgesia In Labour Indications, Various techniques its advantages and Contraindications
Diabetes that starts during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. It develops when the pregnant woman is not able to consume the sugar (glucose) in her blood as well as it should. So the level of blood glucose becomes higher than…. Gestational Diabetes (Diabetes During Pregnancy)
Questions about having sex during pregnancy:
1- Is it safe to have sex pregnancy?
2-Is there any fluctuation in the desire, sensation and pleasure during pregnancy?.. Libido in Pregnancy, best sexual practices and positions during pregnancy
The parents are usually fascinated in determining the sex of their baby …. Selecting the Sex of the Baby – Sex selection Before Pregnancy – How to get pregnant with a boy or girl – Gender Selection – Choosing the Sex of Your Child
In the last weeks of pregnancy, when some pregnant women lie on their back they feel dizzy, … Pregnancy Exercises – Exercises During Pregnancy
How the pregnant woman can organize her life during pregnancy?
– Rest is needed during Pregnancy
– Every pregnant woman should sleep daily for 8 consecutive hours….
Advice for Pregnant Women – Tips For Pregnant Women
First Month Pregnant: Your belly will be the same size as pre-pregnancy, but you may experience some fatigue, breast engorgement and frequent urination,
Second Month Pregnant: The fetus head is growing more rapidly than the other parts as the brain has a crucial role in regulating the function of all the vital organs.
3 months pregnant (Weeks 9-13)
Third Month Pregnant: Your abdomen and breasts are growing larger. Baby is in a “floating” position, weighs about an ounce (about 28g.) and is 3inches (8cm) long.
4 months pregnant (Weeks 14-17)
Fourth Month Pregnant: Maternity clothes may be required by now. Baby is now about 6 inches (about 15cm.) long, and weighs 1/4 lb. (about 114g.).
5 months pregnant (Weeks 18-21)
Fifth Month Pregnant: The skin on your abdomen stretches considerably. The Doctor can hear Baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope, and Baby’s movements are more easily felt.
6 months pregnant (Weeks 22-26)
Sixth Month Pregnant: As your abdomen continues to enlarge, Baby’s movements become more vigorous. The skin is red, wrinkled and covered with soft down, and hair has begun to grow
7 months pregnant (Weeks 27-30)
Seventh Month Pregnant: Baby’s eyes are open. If born at this time, Baby has some chance of survival. Weight is about 2 ½ lbs. (about 1 kilo 130g.) and about 15 inches
8 months pregnant (Weeks 31-35)
Eighth Month Pregnant: Baby’s movements are more forceful and may be seen from outside. Weight has increased to about 4 lbs. (about 1 kilo 812g.), and length to about 16 ½ inches
9 months pregnant (Weeks 36-40)
Ninth Month Pregnant: Baby settles lower into the abdomen, ready for birth. Most of the fuzzy down on the body has disappeared, and the head may be covered with hair.
The pregnancy is the fertilization and development of one or more off spring known as an embryo or fetus and it’s the period from conception till birth.
The egg is fertilized by a sperm then implanted in the in the lining of the uterus to develop to placenta and embryo, and later to fetus.
Pregnancy Guide