Ultrasound Scan
Clinical Advantages of the 3D and 4D Ultrasound Scan .Start Your Baby’s Photo Album..
Clinical Advantages of the 3D and 4D Ultrasound Scan .Start Your Baby’s Photo Album..
Smoking contains a lot of toxic substances so it can play an indirect role in decreasing fertility . and its considered a major factor in infertility, premature ovarian failure and early menopause. Many…. Smoking and infertility | Smoking and fertility | Stopping Smoking increases Your Fertility
Researchers discovered in 1970 that the blood of the umbilical cord could supply the same kinds of blood forming (hematopoietic) stem cells . as a bone marrow donor. From that time, the blood of the umbilical cord began to be collected and stored…. Cord blood
There are different types of contraception that are used now days for the purposes of family planning., which begs several questions. therefore it suits special cases and not necessarily suits others and the choice of contraception depends on different needs of.. Contraception – Different Birth Control, Family – planning methods
It means implantation of the fertilized egg with the consequent development of The placenta and fetus outside the uterus most commonly in the fallopian tube and called tubal pregnancy and represent 95% of cases…. Ectopic Pregnancy: Clinical features, causes, prevention and treatment options
Normally anal and rectal area have numerous blood supply’s with arteries and veins that have an important role The body cleanses itself via natural methods like wastes through, sweating, urinating, respiratory, bowel movements etc. in regulating bowel motion, and controlling stool incontinence through protecting anal sphincter from being exposed to high pressure…. Piles – Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy
Constipation is defined as the difficulty of deification, and it’s caused by irregular bowel movement that result in small amount of hard, and compact stool, and this differentiate from person to another and from family to another… Constipation During Pregnancy
Heartburn is a painful and burning sensation in the esophagus, at the area below the breast bone, and its usually associated with Smoking can lead to . regurgitation of gastric acid (GERD) gastro esophageal reflux.
The pain starts in the chest and may radiate to neck, throat and jaw….. Heartburn during pregnancy
Anemia is diagnosed when Hb is less than 11g/dl in which the healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to the tissue are not enough and is…. Anemia in pregnancy
-Parental chromosome abnormalities causing Recurrent Miscarriage:
– 3-5% of couples with Recurrent Miscarriage have chromosome abnormalities. the most common is balanced translocation. When comparing females to males, they have twice the incidence of carrying structural chromosome abnormality.. auses of Recurrent Miscarriage – Recurrent Abortion