Trying For a Baby

Pregnancy Symptoms

Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? The only way to know for sure is by taking a pregnancy test.

The initial signs of pregnancy do not occur immediately following intercourse. The sperm must travel to the egg and penetrate the thick, protective covering before fertilizing the egg. Once that step is complete, the egg must anchor in the uterus and release hormones to trigger changes that last the duration of the pregnancy (and sometimes beyond). Considering these facts, the first signs of pregnancy after sex may not begin until a week or more after intercourse. But there are early  symptoms of pregnancy  that may point to the possibility. Here’s what to look for.

Tender breasts are often the first sign of pregnancy after sex. Hormones released by the egg after implantation, affect the glands that produce and excrete milk after delivery. These changes often cause tenderness of the breast tissue. Women may also notice the breasts feel slightly larger or swollen within the first two weeks after conception.

Slight cramping or spotting may be implantation bleeding. Progesterone, produced by the corpus luteum causes the lining of the uterus to grow thicker during ovulation. The thick lining is saturated with blood creating the ideal environment for a fertilized egg to embed. When the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, it may cause cramping or implantation bleeding. Many women think the spotting is a sign the pregnancy attempt failed, but they are soon surprised to find out they are definitely pregnant.

It was introduced by Pfizer in the year 1998 primarily for treating heart problems. Sex sirens like Mae West ask their suitors, ‘Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?’ Mother Nature alas had other plans. Imagine my patients surprise when I tell them that their diet could be to blame! That’s right. So, one can have longer sessions, one after another. Loss of appetite and constipation. Progesterone slows down digestion so food spends more time in the stomach. This often causes loss of appetite and constipation for the first few weeks of pregnancy. Some women find out they are pregnant before the digestive system fully reacts to progesterone, but that is not always the case.

A missed menstrual cycle is the final sign of pregnancy after sex. The menstrual cycle will not return until the pregnancy is complete. Pregnancy tests detect the smallest levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the urine, so a pregnant woman may test positive for pregnancy before missing a menstrual cycle. It is best to retest after the date the cycle was supposed to begin, especially if the couple is using fertility treatments.

Women who are attentive to the changes that occur in their bodies may notice one or more of these signs of pregnancy after sex, but not every woman experiences them all. Each female body reacts to pregnancy hormones differently.

Due Date Calculator: Check your due date by providing the First day of your last menstrual cycle. [button link=””] Click Here[/button]