
Pregnancy Month by Month

First Month Pregnant: Your belly will be the same size as pre-pregnancy, but you may experience some fatigue, breast engorgement and frequent urination

1 month pregnant (Weeks 1-4)

First Month Pregnant: Your belly will be the same size as pre-pregnancy, but you may experience some fatigue, breast engorgement and frequent urination,

2 months pregnant (Weeks 5-8)

Second Month Pregnant: The fetus head is growing more rapidly than the other parts as the brain has a crucial role in regulating the function of all the vital organs.

3 months pregnant (Weeks 9-13)

Third Month Pregnant: Your abdomen and breasts are growing larger. Baby is in a “floating” position, weighs about an ounce (about 28g.) and is 3inches (8cm) long.

4 months pregnant (Weeks 14-17)

Fourth Month Pregnant: Maternity clothes may be required by now. Baby is now about 6 inches (about 15cm.) long, and weighs 1/4 lb. (about 114g.).

5 months pregnant (Weeks 18-21)

Fifth Month Pregnant: The skin on your abdomen stretches considerably. The Doctor can hear Baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope, and Baby’s movements are more easily felt.

6 months pregnant (Weeks 22-26)

Sixth Month Pregnant: As your abdomen continues to enlarge, Baby’s movements become more vigorous. The skin is red, wrinkled and covered with soft down, and hair has begun to grow

7 months pregnant (Weeks 27-30)

Seventh Month Pregnant: Baby’s eyes are open. If born at this time, Baby has some chance of survival. Weight is about 2 ½ lbs. (about 1 kilo 130g.) and about 15 inches

8 months pregnant (Weeks 31-35)

Eighth Month Pregnant: Baby’s movements are more forceful and may be seen from outside. Weight has increased to about 4 lbs. (about 1 kilo 812g.),  and length to about 16 ½ inches

9 months pregnant (Weeks 36-40)

Ninth Month Pregnant: Baby settles lower into the abdomen, ready for birth. Most of the fuzzy down on the body has disappeared, and the head may be covered with hair.

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